
Pancake Cakes with Chef Luke

There is one thing I really believe in and that is allowing your kids to express their inner culinary imagination in the kitchen. No matter what age they are, the importance of creativity is one of the key things to success in cooking and baking.

This past July, I had the opportunity to once again spend time with my great-nephew in New York. The last time we “cooked” together was at my home when he came to visit last winter. Remember those apple pops we made? They were SO AMAZING!

Well, we decided to shoot another “cooking show” with Chef Luke and we had to develop our recipe carefully. The two of  us (CHEF LUKE AND AUNT DEBI) booked a strategic planning meeting over eggs and toast one morning and Luke came up with a brilliant idea.

He wanted to create a PanCake CAKE. At first, we thought…..hmmmm…..how is this going to work. Do we really want to spend all day making pancakes? After some thought, we came up with another idea. Why not buy frozen pancakes and fresh toppings to make this recipe quick and easy?

Smart, right?

So Luke and I decided that he would put on his magical chef’s hat and he and I would GO TO TOWN with these pancakes.

Take a look what transpired here.

Luke wanted to go for a fun and VERY sweet version of this “PanCake Cake” while I opted for a bit of a farm fresh style with local berries and homemade whipped cream.

While Luke was creating his, I was blown away at his detail and concentration (even though that cake looked like it was going to fall over a thousand times).

I think we both nailed it, don’t you?

After I posted the pictures on Instagram, I had so many followers say “I WANT A PANCAKE CAKE FOR MY BIRTHDAY”!

Good job Luke, good job.

Here’s a little video on how this all transpired. Thanks for working together with me again Luke!

You are one special guy and I love you.

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